The Show-Me-Select Replacement Heifer Program is focused entirely on Missouri’s farmers and is dependent upon active participation from regional extension livestock specialists and local veterinarians, each of which are critical components of the agricultural sector of this state.
The anticipated outcomes of this program include:
This program is unique in that it is first and foremost, an educational program targeted at improving production efficiency through increased use of existing technology, coupled with the marketing component.
With more than 2 million beef cows in production in Missouri and roughly 1 million heifers produced annually, there is significant potential to add value to a large, untapped segment of the beef herd in this state. Development of a fundamental understanding of basic principles regarding animal breeding, genetics, reproductive physiology, nutrition, animal health, and economics are essential in making informed management decisions that sustain long-term economic viability on a farm-to-farm basis. These considerations provide the foundation upon which the
Show-Me-Select Heifer Replacement Program is based.
For more information, go to Missouri Show-Me-Select.